1:1 Coaching: The Honest Lawyer 

Welcome to The Honest Lawyer Program, a one-on-one coaching program designed exclusively for stressed out lawyers.

Achieving balance and fulfillment in all aspects of life – not just your careers - is doable if you have the right know-how and tools. 

Why do I call this program “The Honest Lawyer”? It’s time for lawyers to be honest with themselves. The legal profession too often demands complete submission at the expense of lawyers’ physical and mental health, personal life, and family relationships. Winning at work doesn’t bring joy if you sacrifice the rest of your life to achieve it. Lawyers deserve better.

My holistic coaching approach integrates the core curriculum of professional development with a focus on personal well-being. I fail my clients if I make them better lawyers at the expense of their health and happiness. What does that mean? I will not only make you shine at work, but also win at life.

How do I do that? I walk you through a 5-step process. 

Step 1.  Discovery: We begin by exploring not only where you are in your legal career but also where you stand in terms of your personal life, health, and relationships. Through introspective exercises and open discussions, we gain insights into your values, priorities, and aspirations across various domains of your life.

Step 2.  Vision/Mission: Building upon the insights gained from the discovery phase, we collaboratively craft a holistic vision and mission that encompasses not only your professional goals but also your aspirations for a fulfilling personal life. What does a balanced and happy life look like to you? What values do you want to embody in your relationships, health, and well-being? By clarifying your holistic vision, we lay the groundwork for a more integrated and fulfilling journey ahead.

Step 3.  Goal Setting: Armed with a clear vision, we push the boundaries of your comfort zone by setting ambitious yet achievable goals. These goals are not merely targets but strategic milestones that propel you towards your desired future. Together, we identify key objectives and create a roadmap that aligns with your vision, ensuring each goal is challenging yet motivating.

Step 4.  Goal Achievement: With a roadmap in place, I provide you with the tools, techniques, and strategies to turn your goals into reality. Whether it's enhancing your business skills, improving family relationships, or prioritizing self-care, our coaching sessions offer you a practical and actionable plan to navigate the complexities of modern life with confidence and resilience.

Step 5.  Clarity, Consistency, and Connecting the Dots: As you progress towards your goals, we emphasize the importance of maintaining clarity, consistency, and alignment across all aspects of your life. Through ongoing support, accountability, and reflection, I help you stay focused on what truly matters, maintain balance amidst competing priorities, and connect the dots between your professional success and personal fulfillment.



  • Clear Vision and Direction: Define and achieve your aspirations with a strategic plan for both your career and personal life.

  • To Achieve Strategic Goals: Set and accomplish SMARTER goals that ensure balanced progress across all areas of life.

  • Better Work-Life Balance: Balance professional success with personal well-being as defined by you, fostering a more harmonious and fulfilling life on your terms.

  • Practical Tools and Resources: Receive practical tools, techniques, and resources to support your journey towards achieving your goals, whether in your legal career, relationships, health, or personal development.

  • Feedback and Reflection: Engage in reflective exercises and feedback sessions to gain insights, celebrate successes, and identify areas for growth and refinement.

  • Accountability: Regular coaching sessions and feedback to maintain momentum, overcome obstacles, and celebrate successes.

The Honest Lawyer Program



  • 12-Week Coaching Program 
  • Weekly 60 Minute Zoom Coaching Sessions
  • Special in-depth training and diagnostic sessions.
  • Unlimited access to email me for questions, guidance or support.
  • A structured plan to transform your law practice and love you life.

My Promise To You:

Throughout the coaching journey, you can expect a personalized approach tailored to your unique needs, challenges, and aspirations. My focus remains on empowering you to lead a more integrated, fulfilling, and purpose-driven life – one where success in your legal career coexists harmoniously with happiness, health, and meaningful relationships in your personal life. Are you ready to embark on this transformative journey towards holistic well-being and lawyer happiness?

If so, click below to get started.